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不知不覺 又回來了這裡
也有一段時間沒用pixnet了耶 哈哈

最近的生活好忙喔 ~

突然好想po上他的照片 哈哈哈哈
我的朋友,kenn :)

好無聊啊 ~~~~

MYUKI 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

我想 今天 你應該是誤會了吧
或許 是我 想太多。

Anyway 對不起

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I knew it.
I knew it'd happen.

And I not surprised.
It's just that, I choose not to say it.


Read what Achin wrote on his blog just now.
I almost cried, I'm touched. Really.

F.I.R :D
They are my love.
They are my motivations.

My fringe is screwed! D:

Gonna work hard for N's!
I want to prove it to him that I can make it.

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It's 05:58 now and I'm blogging (:
Slept from 19:00 to 03:00, so yupps! Super 精神 now :D

Felt super bored, so went Crunchyroll to watch video.
Watched 娛樂百分百 F.I.R 聽證會! wheeeee~ So HIGH! xD
小豬 & 小鬼 damn evil luh, they bullied Faye! Ha! Damn funny.

沁 sang 'First Love' (: *nice nice nice*
He sang it before at 娛樂百分百, during his album promotion.
And I specially went to learn that song after hearing him sing -.-

I'm sooo looking forward to their 世界巡迴演唱會! OMGOMGOMG *excited*
Think it's either end of this year or beginning of '08 :D
I remembered 建寧老師 was telling us about the concert…

(I'm addicted to “三個心願”)

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飛兒樂團(F.I.R.) - 三個心願

作詞:徐世珍、阿沁、謝宥慧 / 作曲:阿沁 / 編曲:Terence Teo

沁: 我喜歡妳的眼神 ?柔又危險
   請不要戴上眼鏡 我會看不見
   想要張開雙手 把妳寶貝
   想和妳天天見面 想帶妳環遊世界

飛: 我喜歡你愛逞強 笨笨的笑臉
   在心中抬頭挺胸 堅定的信念
   這個遼闊世界 不夠完美
   但有了你在我身邊 什麼都很OK

合: 第一個心願 為你 把幸福堆積
   天涯到海角 頭髮到呼吸
   下一個心願 給你 最好的自己
   再許個心願 我的愛把你佔領

沁: 為什麼為了小事 就要掉眼淚
   好像有太多的事 只能自己揹
   現在就立刻馬上 變成你的Superman

飛: 這世上最重要的 不只是誓言
   只要你常常記得 親親我的臉
   我會永遠 記得這個今天
   還有很久的那一天 我也要有你陪



我最大的心願 就是 想回到從前

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Like omg omg! Haha :D
I just saw this article & was pretty amused.

[飛有小本子 專記阿沁不好]

Especially this part:


Hahaha Faye's so cute luh (:
沁,你最好對飛好一點啦~ 哈哈

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Okay, I created this for the sake of F.I.R (: haha.
Cause they're using pixnet now.

Anyways, pixnet is quite easy to use (:
But damn, chinese words are making me… @___@

Oh well, but i'll still blog at my wretch! :D

& omg. This froggy skin is really cuteee ^^


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